WJBzone Prayer List

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2/26/2018 I've used this "Prayer List' a long time. It keeps evolving as I grow.

It is both a prayer and a list that I run through in my head before I go from one place to another. (or just need to an attitude adjustment ) It helps get my thoughts together and remind me of things I need.
Sometimes I only get through the first item on the list, but I try to do all ten.

ZERO Zero, I think of nothing and feel everything.
- Zero is first on my list and my favorite. I clear my head and think of nothing, as in a short meditation. I stop by brain from thinking and feel the connection with God, myself, people and everything

. I look at this as creating a foundation or blank slate for my brain to build on. It calms me down, gets rid of the brain clutter and I feel ready for anything.

I also say a little prayer to myself. Love God, Love people.
ONE One, I think Run - Seems the world runs on money so I grab my wallet. Where Zero is about my spiritual being, One is about my life in this world. I believe God wants me to earn a living and do well. I ask God to help me earn my keep for the day. Watch my finances and give what I can.
TWO Two, I think Time - The Time is now. Live in the Now. I grab my timepiece (cellphone). Living in the now sounds simple, but if I don't keep a watch on my thinking I can get lost in past and future thoughts. I can't forget the past and have to plan for the future, but the only time I can do that is now. Keep my focus in the present as much as I can.
THREE Three, I think Key - I grab my keys. I think a Key to success is communication. I think about who I need to contact today and ways to improve my communication skills. I ask God to help me say what I mean and understand what others say .
FOUR Four, I think Core. I remember to get in exercise, keep my physical core strong and my spiritual core at peace. I also make sure my firearms are safe and my fire extinguishers are ready .
FIVE Five, I think Knife - I grab my pocket knife. I also remind myself to keep my mind sharp.
SIX Six, I think Stick - I grab my pen and memory stick. I also remind myself to stick with a job or project to completion.
SEVEN Seven, I think Heaven - I look at my surroundings, say thanks to God for this beautiful world and ask for guidance. I know that God loves me. I ask that the holy spirt be with me.
EIGHT Eight, I think Gate - Before I leave the gate, I remember to take things with me that I have in my "staging area". Gates go two ways, I also might want to leave something behind.
NINE Nine. I think Wine. I look at wine as being good for you (in moderation). I grab my coffee, and take my medicine. I thank God for my health.
TEN Ten, I think Again. - This is actually eleven in my list, but because each number has several items, I remind myself to do it again.