WJBzone CNC Hobby

CNC Mill Detail/Assembly Designs
Drawn Using Autodesk Inventor
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Click on the small pictures to enlarge
1. table 2. 3.pc-mounted 4. pc-clamp
5.driver 6. components 7. 3Dcad-dwg 8. bom

Extra CNC Pictures

1. Cnc Router on the wood table. The router shown in picture 1 is a Kress. This router quit working after about 10 months of use. I got a full refund and bought a Porter Cable.

2. I zero my machine using a dial depth gauge. I can also see if it returns to zero after a long run. I find it returns within .005" after running a 30 minute long 3D program.

3. The Porter Cable 1.75HP variable speed router mounted.

4. The router mounts. I am working on a block to allow me to mount in a horizontal position.

5. The driver box. I put this together from a kit from hobbycnc.com. 35Vdc runs 125Oz-in motors.

6. The components for the cnc machine before assembly.

7. 3D cad drawing

8. Materials list.

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